The University of Manchester's Dalton Nuclear Institute is the umbrella organisation for nuclear activity at Manchester, spanning three faculties to co-ordinate the most advanced nuclear research capability in UK academia.
Manchester in Cumbria
Our Dalton Cumbrian Facility provides the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research in radiation science in West Cumbria, and along with its sister site, the Robotics for Extreme Environments Laboratory, brings huge local and socio-economic benefit.
Manchester's exceptional research community holds a diverse and extensive expertise that makes us unique in UK academia: we are the only UK university to cover the full nuclear fuel cycle. Our expertise also encompasses fusion power, health and social research. Explore our research themes.
Bringing this community together, the Dalton Nuclear Institute acts as an authoritative, trusted source of information, engaging actively with the public, media, stakeholders, and government, and contributing to important national and international conversations around nuclear energy. Read our position paper Nuclear energy for net zero: a strategy for action.
Our senior leadership team represents 250 years of experience in all areas of the nuclear sector, including advising industry and government via the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Board, Nuclear Innovation and Research Advisory Board (NIRAB), and the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM). Meet our leadership team.
We have a strong track record of supplying skilled capability and resource across nuclear in academia, supply chain and government. We coordinate nuclear education across School and Department boundaries and are home to the GREEN (Growing skills for Reliable Economic Energy from Nuclear) Centre for Doctoral Training.
We work to strengthen and grow our partnerships across the sector, collaborating strategically with Sellafield Ltd., Jacobs, the National Nuclear Laboratory and the UK Atomic Energy Authority, among others. We are a founding partner of the North West Nuclear Arc and host the Nuclear Waste Services Research Support Office. Manchester is the lead organisation for both the Robotics and AI for Nuclear (RAIN) Hub and the Henry Royce Institute for advanced materials.