Our team of experts span a range of disciplines, and work collaboratively within the University, with academics from other universities and with industry and government.
Meet our core academic and Professional Services team below. You can find our Dalton Cumbrian Facility team here.
You can also find details of the members of our research community by visiting the University's Research Explorer.
Job title
William Bodel
Dalton Fellow in Nuclear Energy Policy – Will’s doctoral research into nuclear engineering materials focused on nuclear graphite and its behaviour under reactor conditions. He subsequently worked on material fracture and life-extension of the UK’s AGR fleet. His current research area is energy policy, focusing on the role nuclear energy can play in the future of the UK.
Adrian Bull MBE
Associate Director and BNFL Chair in Nuclear Energy and Society – Adrian joined the University in 2021, following 40 years in the UK nuclear industry with BNFL, Westinghouse and the National Nuclear Laboratory. His Dalton activities focus on Government policy around nuclear and energy, and on stakeholder and community engagement on nuclear issues.
Gregg Butler
Head of Strategic Assessment – Gregg has 60 years’ experience in most aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle: R&D, planning, commercial, plant, site and company operations and management, director and advisory committee roles. He has published extensively on nuclear topics, and is currently concentrating on Nuclear Energy’s role in Net Zero.
Jacqui Grant
Operations Manager – Jacqui is Operations Manager for the Dalton Nuclear Institute with a primary role to support delivery of activities across the Manchester campus.
Patrick Hackett
Nuclear Waste Services Research Support Office (RSO) Programme Manager – Patrick is responsible for the delivery of the RSO’s activities, including the administration of its annual PhD bursary call, the development of research communities around 10 disciplines and the RSO annual conference.
Scott Heath
Associate Director, Professor of Nuclear Chemistry - Scott’s current research involves development of analytical techniques for trace radioactive nuclides, and control of radioactive contaminants in engineered environments. He is Director of the GREEN Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Fission, Associate Dean for Post Graduate Researcher Development and member of the Government Nuclear Skills Task Force.
Zara Hodgson
Director and Professor of Nuclear Engineering – Zara has a broad background in nuclear R&D, through the Nuclear Innovation & Research Office and the National Nuclear Laboratory, ranging from spent fuel management to nuclear power systems for space exploration. She joined the Institute in 2024 from the Department for Energy Security & Net Zero where she led on nuclear fuel policy.
Robert Jones
Head of Operations - Robert is Head of Operations for the Dalton Nuclear Institute. He is based at the Dalton Cumbrian Facility (DCF), the University’s centre for radiation science. Robert completed his PhD at DCF in 2016 and has worked in various roles within the nuclear industry.
Rachel Law
Engagement and Communications Manager – Rachel is responsible for the Dalton Nuclear Institute’s engagement and communications activity, and supporting the Dalton Community (based across The University of Manchester) and The Beam nuclear and social research network. She has been a part of the Institute since 2015.
Francis Livens
Professor of Radiochemistry – With more than 35 years’ research experience across the fuel cycle, Francis has acted as advisor to the nuclear sector both in the UK and overseas. Francis is Chair of the Nuclear Innovation & Research Advisory Board and a Non Executive Director of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (awarded the 2021 Becquerel Medal) and Member of the Institute of Strategic Studies.
Juan Matthews
Visiting Professor in Nuclear Energy Technology - Starting as a theoretical physicist Juan carried out and managed research on nuclear safety and advanced reactor systems at Harwell. He later set up and managed activities across Asia for AEA Technology, before working on international business and innovation in the nuclear and energy sectors, mainly for Government.
Katherine Morris
Associate Director and BNFL Chair of Environmental Radioactivity - Kath brings expertise in the speciation and fate of radionuclides in engineered and natural environments with over 20 years’ experience. She is Director of the Nuclear Waste Services Research Support Office, based at The University of Manchester.
Lisa O’Neill
PA to Dalton Nuclear Institute Directors and Project Support to James Schofield Nuclear Lab Control Manager.
Beatrice Patience
Outreach and Communications Assistant Undergraduate Placement – Bea is taking a year out of her BSc Geography degree at The University of Manchester to work on outreach with the Dalton Nuclear Institute.
Fiona Rayment
Visiting Professor in Nuclear Policy and Capability – Fiona has over 30 years' experience in Nuclear across policy, strategy, technology, and operational roles nationally and internationally. She was previously the Chief Science and Technology Officer at the National Nuclear Laboratory and created the current version of the Nuclear Innovation and Research Office. She serves on multiple Government and company boards and nuclear advisory committees.
Samantha Roberts
Administrator – Sam is an experienced administrator who has worked in the Dalton Nuclear Institute since 2012, providing day-to-day support to the team and to Dalton-led events. She has worked on several nuclear projects including NNUMAN, EPSRC Compositional and Structural Evolution of Plutonium Dioxide, and the NWS Research Support Office
Clint Sharrad
Deputy Director, Professor of Nuclear Engineering – Clint has more than 20 years’ experience in translating the understanding of radionuclide behaviour in various systems to support developing and optimising engineered processes across the entire nuclear fuel cycle. He is the lead for the Nuclear Engineering, Science and Technology (NEST) facility and the Molten Salts in Nuclear Technology Laboratory National Nuclear User Facility.
Richard Taylor
Associate Director and BNFL Chair in Nuclear Energy Systems - Richard was previously the Chief Engineer of the UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory. Richard has over 30 years of experience within the UK nuclear industry. He is a professional engineer with a background in the design, construction and commissioning of nuclear facilities. Richard is a co-founder of The Beam nuclear and social research network.
Molly Waterfall
Outreach and Communications Assistant Undergraduate Placement – Molly is taking a year out of her BSc Geography degree at The University of Manchester to work on communications with the Dalton Nuclear Institute.
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- Daniel Bylo - Energy Beacon Communications and Marketing Manager