Past events
You can watch recordings of past events in the Dalton Seminar Series on our YouTube Channel.
Dalton Expert Insights | History of Civil Nuclear Energy (Swords to Ploughshares)
This talk will look at how the current range of nuclear reactor systems were established and spread...
The University of Manchester Research Institute (UMRI) Pump Prime Call Launch Event
The University of Manchester Research Institute (UMRI) will be launching the latest round of pump-pr...
ECR networking (and mince pies)
This is an internal event aimed at University of Manchester early career researchers, from PhD stude...
Training Course on Advanced Scripting and Batching of Tomographic Datasets
Although X-ray tomography is an attractive characterisation technique in materials science, it gener...
Digital Futures & Sustainable Futures PhD Workshop
University of Manchester Staff and Student Only | In-person | Room tbc Join us to explore interdi...
CALL OPEN: Team Research Microcatalyst Call 2024 / 25
The University of Manchester Team Research Programme (TeamsBuildDreams) invites applications to the...
Team Research Microcatalyst Funding Launch
Register Now! Team Research Community Event: Micro-catalyst Call Launch 2024/5 Date: 15th October...
Lane Lecture 2024: Delivering Occupational Health Research in Government: an important front line service?
HSE has a proud history of undertaking occupational health research, either by funding others or usi...
Training Course on Visualisation & quantification of tomographic datasets
A 2 day training course covering theory and computer-based practical works using the Thermo Scientif...
Tackling Interdisciplinarity in Research
“Tackling Interdisciplinarity in Research” is a half-day event that brings together researchers...